Monday, August 27, 2012

In honour of a brave little dog...

This past week has been a tough one. Sometimes, something so unimaginably horrible happens to those around you that you are profoundly affected in ways that cannot be put to words.

Such a thing happened to my dear friend Kay and her husband last Wednesday, when at roughly 3am a fire broke out in their home. The fire spread very quickly through the house's wooden frame and by the time the fire department arrived, there was nearly nothing left to save:

 This was all that was left after a few hours

Now you may wonder why I am posting about this on a dog blog - well, because without a brave little dog, this story could have had an even more horrible ending...

Kay and her husband love dogs and have been proud dog owners and carers for years. At the time of the fire they had the company of Trixa and Nikita, two adorable and playful Lhasa Apso/Shih-tzu mix ladies.

 Nikita (left) and Trixa (right)

In the middle of the night, Trixa started barking uncontrollably while the family slept. After a little while, Kay woke up and quickly rose her husband. Grabbing Nikita, they ran out of the house thinking Trixa was following them. Trixa however got scared and ran back to hide further into the house.

As soon as they stepped outside, they realised she was not with them and in a panic ran back inside to look for her. The blaze was well under way by this point and the smoke was growing thicker. They looked desperately in every hiding place they could reach, but after a couple a couple of minutes the air was unbreathable and the temperature rising. With heavy hearts they fled from the house once again knowing that if they spent any longer looking, they would probably not make it out alive.

Little Trixa did not manage to escape the house that night. But thanks to her, three lives were saved. If it had not been for her sacrifice I dread to think what kind of blog post I would be making today.

This is a sad story and I apologise if I have upset you, however I felt that someone had to write about Trixa's bravery. Her stubborn persistence in alarming everyone in the house of the danger they were in not only saved lives but is a reminder of how amazing our dogs are. It also drives Kay and her family to move forward, because not doing so would be an insult to Trixa's memory and sacrifice.
Finally it serves as a reminder for the rest of us, as with the loss of every beloved pet, that we should cherish every moment with them while we can.

Please raise your glass and give your dog a treat in Trixa's name today. She may not get any awards from the city or a plaque in her name but at least here at Wag Lick Adore she is our hero and we will remember her and cherish her forever.

Trixa the brave little dog


  1. Trixa was a real sweetheart. Such bravery is rarely seen, even among humans. She will be remembered forever.

  2. Trixa is a hero and angel. :)

  3. Trixa is a hero and angel. :)

  4. What a sad story. In loving memory of Trixa. I am sorry for your loss of such a beautiful baby and yet an angel. Mary, friend of Lisa.

  5. So sorry of your loss of home and precious Trixa. What a brave little one. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Tina, Lisa's mother

    1. Thank you Lisa, Mary and Tina for your very kind words! Kay, her family and all of us here really appreciate them!
