Monday, August 27, 2012

In honour of a brave little dog...

This past week has been a tough one. Sometimes, something so unimaginably horrible happens to those around you that you are profoundly affected in ways that cannot be put to words.

Such a thing happened to my dear friend Kay and her husband last Wednesday, when at roughly 3am a fire broke out in their home. The fire spread very quickly through the house's wooden frame and by the time the fire department arrived, there was nearly nothing left to save:

 This was all that was left after a few hours

Now you may wonder why I am posting about this on a dog blog - well, because without a brave little dog, this story could have had an even more horrible ending...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dogs & London 2012

Last night, the 2012 games came to an end with another spectacular ceremony in London. Whatever your preferred news source, it has been impossible to avoid finding out more about the games for the past two weeks! From informative results updates to best/worst athletic wear and every potential scandalous bit of gossip - there's something out there for everyone to get into the spirit, even us dog lovers!

So in case you missed them, here's the two main dog news stories from the 2012 London Olympics!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why did the dog cross the road?

...Because its owner made it.

Has this happened to you? You're out walking your beloved furry friend(s) when you see another fellow dog owner and their canine coming from the opposite direction. Just as you've nearly reached them, the other person crosses the street to avoid you and gives you this dirty look to boot which screams "How dare you walk your dog on MY street and on MY SIDE of the street?". To add insult to injury they usually cross back just after they've passed you.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

And so it starts!

Hello everyone!

This blog is in honour of my two lovely dogs, who brighten my day, eat my slippers and always make my life more interesting!

 This above is Chii as a puppy enjoying the snow for the first time!

And here is Loki, my little rascal of a Cavalier!

I spend a considerable amount of time researching dog health, grooming products, foods & treats and everything else dog-related I come across. Through this blog I hope to share these things with you, hoping that you will find some of the information useful in loving and caring for your dogs.

If you have any suggestions about what you would like to see here, please do feel free to drop me a line!